Ar. Sagar Kabre, Kabre Consultants

Architect Sagar Kabre

Ar. Sagar Kabre, Kabre Consultants

It will take some time for people to understand how to use smart products or new-age futuristic technologies. Hopefully, the next generation would push the boundaries further by asking smarter products from the manufacturers/suppliers and then getting them installed in their bathrooms. But for me, those products which are sustainable, energy-efficient and save water, are definitely smart ones and must be picked up for use.


Significantly, through the upcoming Smartex Conference and Symposium, we would explore all possible options and solutions to create and have as many sustainable, energy-efficient products for various uses. The two-day conference organized by Building Material Reporter (BMR) is an excellent initiative towards creating a smart future and I congratulate them for this futuristic step.

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