An Epitome of Viable Magnificence – Surat Diamond Bourse is the Pride of India!

SURAT DIAMOND BOURSECrafted by Morphogenesis, Surat Diamond Bourse embodies a quintessential high-density commercial architecture seamlessly fused with effective climate responsiveness.

In India, the Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB) has claimed the distinction of being the world's largest office building, boasting a vast expanse of 6,60,000 sqm. The visionary architectural firm Morphogenesis, helmed by founding partners Ar. Sonali and Manit Rastogi, is the driving force behind this colossal creation. The revelation from Morphogenesis underscores that this architectural marvel surpasses the renowned 6,20,000 sqm Pentagon near Washington DC. It's noteworthy that the Pentagon had maintained its status as the world's largest office building for a remarkable eight decades since its completion in 1943.

SURAT DIAMOND BOURSENestled on the city's outskirts, the SDB was conceived as a 'City within a City', designed to house the globe's most expansive diamond trading community. A testament to the intricate dance between materials, time, and human spirit, this office building stands as a remarkable fusion of functionality and grandeur.

Morphogenesis was founded in 1996 and has offices in Mumbai, Bengaluru and New Delhi. SDB rises to be an exemplar of high-density commercial architecture and climate-responsive design and is also a pre-certified green building with a Platinum rating from the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).


The Design Approach

The design team of Morphogenesis, led by the Architects duo Sonali and Manit Rastogi fostered the development of a prototypical high-density commercial architecture combined with effective climate response. With its nine iconic buildings interconnected to a central spine focusing on passive design strategies, this building aims to become the centre of the international diamond trade, also catering to a conducive working environment.

SURAT DIAMOND BOURSEThe office building aims to offer job opportunities woven throughout an exquisite workspace. The office strives to be the hub of the global diamond trade with an inviting workplace with nine 15-storey wings connected through a central corridor. Around 4,717 offices for 67,000 diamond professionals, including cutters, polishers, and traders, are located within the wings. The offices are 28 sqm to more than 10,500 sqm in size.

SURAT DIAMOND BOURSEThe building is designed in such a way so that any office can be reached from any of the site's entrance points within seven minutes. To connect all the office wings, there is a central spine consisting of a series of full-height atriums, overlooked by balconies on each level. To let air into the building, this central block opens up into fan-like shades at its end. Materials, too, deserve recognition in this magnificent story. The bourse's foundation is made of Gwalior white sandstone and Lakha red granite, both of which are found within a 300-kilometer radius.


The Grace of Sustainability

The entire building resonates the bliss of sustainability, the landscape, materials, and technology fuse together to create a perfect alchemy of an aesthetic and comfortable office environment. Warm air is expelled by the Venturi effect (a scientifically proven transformation) through carefully planned atria. The space is not just about design; it's also about fostering a microclimate that supports life and harmonises architecture and environment in a soothing symphony.

SURAT DIAMOND BOURSEEvery working space has adaptive comfort and passive design techniques carefully integrated through the analysis of hot and humid microclimate. In order to minimise reliance on mechanical cooling, the building form seeks to optimise the potential for self-shading. The office complex's designers have made use of local building materials, photovoltaic (PV) power generation, a graywater system, and rainwater harvesting. Additionally, the offices have central air conditioning via a chilled water cooling system, and more than 40% of the building's spaces have natural ventilation with power backup.

When it comes to the design strategies of the brand, every office has a view of the beautifully landscaped courtyards. Located on the site level, these courts are integrated with the magnificent al-fresco on the eastern side of the building, along with other leisure spaces that foster the growth of new businesses and provide a lively atmosphere for celebrations inside the office building. The dense vegetation and water bodies present within this takes its pattern on the concept of 'Panchtatva', exuding the five elements of nature—air, water, fire, earth, and sky in the span of almost 200 feet wide and 300 feet long.

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